Digital e-learning platform launched in Oradea
An innovative vision for learning
The project “Together we transform the school” has been launched, the first educational project in Romania that will implement a digital platform of e-learning educational resources (Learning Management System – LMS) for students, teachers and principals.
În prezența a peste 50 de cadre didactice, reprezentanți ai Inspectoratului Școlar Bihor, reprezentanți ai Asociațiilor de studenți și parteneri, Asociația Nistor Bădiceanu a lansat miercuri, 30 martie a.c., proiectul „Împreună transformăm școala”, primul proiect educațional din România ce va pune în funcțiune o platformă digitală de resurse educaționale e-learning (www.elearning-anb.ro). Prin intermediul cursurilor e-learning, a cursurilor de formare profesională continuă și a programelor de mentorat, Asociația Nistor Bădiceanu dorește să încurajeze o abordare inovatoare pentru activitățile de învățare, predare și management școlar.
Oradea thus becomes the promoter city for the launch of a project focusing in particular on blended-learning, a specific pedagogical method that integrates online solutions and multimedia content into face-to-face classroom learning, transforming the act of teaching and the lesson into one more compatible with the mind of today’s digital generation.
“This is a new initiative that meets the needs of teachers, students and parents. It is a generous programme that meets part of the training needs of teachers and is in line with the strategy of the Ministry of Education and the Bihor County School Inspectorate. An initiative that adds to the programmes that the School Inspectorate currently runs. Therefore, we have an integrated project, which will certainly be received with receptivity by teachers, which is why we will support the successful implementation of the project”, says Florin Negruțiu, School Inspector for Educational Projects.
The social economy project “Together we transform school”, implemented by the Nistor Bădiceanu Association, promotes innovative pedagogical approaches adapted to the learning needs of today’s digital natives.
“Our objective is to provide educational creators with methods and tools relevant to the everyday pedagogical act. To this end, within the framework of the project with non-reimbursable European funding, we will implement a digital platform with educational resources with national addressability and a pedagogical training program for teachers in the Bihoran pre-university education, a continuous training program supported free of charge for 400 teachers. We have also undertaken to support at least 50 remedial education sessions for children from vulnerable groups and to award an annual scholarship named after Nistor Bădiceanu to a young student from rural areas who comes from a family with a low socio-economic status”, says Alin Nistor Bădiceanu, President of the Association.
The project is also supported by Cypher Learning, a company specialising in providing learning platforms for organisations around the world, which is one of the most important partners involved in its implementation. “We are happy to support the Nistor Bădiceanu Association in providing quality education to their learners using our platform. “This is a wonderful opportunity for teachers to use learning platforms in their courses and encourage their students to keep learning despite any challenges,” said Graham Glass, Founder of CYPHER LEARNING.
The “Together we transform school” initiative is a new model of study and learning for our country, already used globally, but which is being implemented for the first time in Romania in this form. By implementing this project, the members of the Nistor Bădiceanu Association aim to contribute to the creation of a school environment centered on the needs of the student, who is thus encouraged to acquire a positive and proactive attitude towards school, learning and quality teaching.