Oradea, Rumänien (ots/PRNewswire) – Die Nistor Bădiceanu Association wird die Plattform von CYPHER LEARNING nutzen, um Lehrerfortbildungen anzubieten – mit dem Ziel, einkommensschwache Schüler*innen zu unterstützen und ihnen die Fortsetzung ihrer Ausbildung zu ermöglichen
L’Association Nistor Bădiceanu utilisera la plateforme de CYPHER LEARNING pour offrir une formation aux enseignants dans le but de soutenir les élèves à faible revenu et de leur permettre de poursuivre leurs études
CYPHER LEARNING apoya a la asociación rumana The Nistor Badiceanu Association is using CYPHER LEARNING’s platform to train teachers in Romania – so they can maximize innovation in hybrid classroom environments and best support their students. – CYPHER LEARNING/PR NEWSWIRE
The Nistor Bădiceanu Association Will Use CYPHER LEARNING’s Platform to Provide Teacher Training – with the Goal to Support Low-Income Students and Enable Them to Continue Their Education.
The main activities of the Association are creating educational materials through a learning platform and allowing students to pursue and continue education regardless of the teaching environment (in-person or online). CYPHER LEARNING has provided the Association with MATRIX LMS, its …
O viziune inovatoare pentru procesul de învățare S-a lansat proiectul „Împreună transformăm școala”, primul proiect educațional din România ce va pune în funcțiune o platformă digitală de resurse educaționale e-learning (Learning Management System – LMS), destinată elevilor, profesorilor și directorilor.