The “learn to argue well” method by daniele novara

The happy, healthy child who is well, who is growing up, struggling, facing others, facing the world, then the idea is that they need to learn to argue well.
It is a maieutic method consisting of two steps back and two steps forward.
Backward steps are the things the educator should try not to do, forward steps are the strategies to implement.
The basic idea: even if it is unpleasant, conflict is especially beneficial in terms of learning processes.
Research has shown that, using the maieutic method, children gradually learn to manage their arguments on their own and no longer turn to adults, thus increasing their conflict management skills. When the educator uses the method, children agree with each other 4 times faster than when the adult intervenes to correct such arguments.
You really learn to stay together when you manage to interact critically and respectfully with the complexity of relationships. Learning to argue well from childhood is useful for life. This functional automatism is created in childhood (Daniele Novara).
The first chapter deals with the characteristics of litigation in children.
Chapter two presents the maieutic method of Daniele Novara, director of the Psycho-pedagogical Centre for Education and Conflict Management. Author of numerous books on the main educational issues for teachers and parents, creator of the “Learn to argue well” method.
Our proposal is to help adults and children develop the skills they need to learn to argue effectively while keeping relationships alive.
Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 2 hours
- Skill level Intermediate
- Language English
- Students 87
- Certificate No
- Assessments Yes